Friday, 30 October 2009

Can U survive without RICE....

~ Photo grab from google~

My answer is "YESNO" errr mana satu ni?? ...just imagine if u eat curry or rendang without rice mana best kan? eh napa tiba2 aku cerita pasal nasi ni kan....heheheh sebenarnya tadi aku sangat free pi blogs hopping sampai yg tak link ngan aku pun habis dicerobohi :P so jumpa satu blog ni yg tagline dia My Journey To Lose Weight (baru ja link tadi) the owner telah menganjurkan contest untuk lose weight (99 HARI TANPA NASI) u get me?? 99 days without rice owhhhhhhh!!!! kalo setakat seminggu dua tu boleh la tapi untuk 99 hari boleh ke.....??? so after i read thru all the terms & conditionsnya...mcm siok la pula so i decide to join the contest but honestly bukan mau menang tapi untuk motivate myself (kalo menang lagi best lol)...siapa yg tdk mo SLIM kan...lagipun aku ni sdg2 berjinak2 dgn gym.So jangan hairan kalo lepas ni banyak gambar makanan sihat dlm blog aku kweng2. Kalo ada sesiapa yg berminat atau mau tau lebih lanjut lagi pasal contest tu..silalah klik di SINI kalo sempatlah sebab hari ni adalah tarikh tutup untuk penyertaan. But no harm to try ur luck bah ryt?? (^_^) ok Good luck to me and everyone! Muahahahahha

8 Loves Me ;-P:

~ HaRRy ~ said... [Reply to Comment]
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AnnieMing said... [Reply to Comment]

are you sure, x makan nasi for 99 days? hehe.. good luck! mencabar juga tu kan.. ;) ciayo!

Flo said... [Reply to Comment]

Annie: Saya pun tdk sure hahahaha belum cuba belum tau baitu kan...!

yinkoon said... [Reply to Comment]

Good luck... but alternatives... is it too costly to be satisfying???

anyway... i guess i will never know until i tried it...

i am also blog hopping.

faizal said... [Reply to Comment]

no-for normal day...

yes-for unnormal day...


Flo said... [Reply to Comment]

Yinkoon: yeah i agreed with u..just wait and see..anyway tnx for dropping by.


noradzlina.kamdani said... [Reply to Comment]

all the best n gud luck...

Flo said... [Reply to Comment]

Tnx nora!

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