Thursday, 7 July 2011

My Niece's birthday party

It's My niece's birthday party (1 yrs old). Even thou it was not the actual birthday for this princess, we celebrated it on last saturday. (actual birthday is on 6/7)

The cake is so yummyyy..

Perhiasan yg ala kadar 'P (sorou poh)!

 amboi2 bukan main semangat lagi tiup tu lilin hahahha

Nahhh muka si birthday girl yg sangat excited ;D

With her cousin ( the cousin baru umur 7 months ++ tapi punya jauh beza size dorang! )

Group photo dengan kanak2 riang (semua pun tdk sabar suda mo makan cake)

Berebut-rebut tu budak2 pi minta goodies from my sista.

Overall party berjalan dgn lancar...makanan pun cukup juga walaupun hampir satu kampung yg datang...lupa pula ambil gambar para tetamu yg hadir.;-) 

2 Loves Me ;-P:

Just said... [Reply to Comment]

waaa... my dotter pun 1yr 14hb ni... teda la grand celebration ni.. kami2 d rmh ja... hubby berkabung sbb kakak dia passed away last week.. :(

beaty said... [Reply to Comment]

aik siok juga ni..happy bday tuk niece ko ahh...

o ya sapa pula baju hijau tu?? mcm kenal jak ni..c nano ka tu ahh..

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