Ok sebenarnya gambar ni teda kena mengena dgn title di atas... semasa menulis n3 ni aku masi lagi kurang yakin jika aku benar2 bersedia untuk menyahut cabaran mslittlepancake. Tapi jika difikirkan balik...kalau aku boleh bertahan untuk 99HTN...i think for 7 days detox plan..shud be no problem...and im quite excited juga...hehehheh.So i decide to start the challenge on monday.so far aku dah list down semua menu from monday to sunday...i will try to update my daily detox's menu so korang sama2 boleh witness adakah aku berjaya ataupun sebaliknya...plzzz korang support me kay! ^_^
Detox's menu for 7 days (copied from mslittlepancake)
Day 1
Eat fruits except BANANA. Advisable to eat melon as it contains loads of fluid. Fruits flush out the system and prepare for the detox.
Day 2
Vegetables ONLY. Try to start day with boiled or baked potato. Up to one tspn of Olive Oil can be your salad dressing. Not advisable to stir fry.
Day 3
Eat as many Fruits and Vegetables that you like. AVOID potatoes and bananas.
Day 4
Bananas & milk. Eat up to 8 bananas & up to 3 glasses of skimmed milk.
Day 5
Protein & tomatoes. Eat fish/meat whether it is grill or bake.
Day 6
Protein & vegetables. Eat meat & vegetables.
Day 7
Fruits, vegetables & juices.
If terasa takut pengsan (;P I yg takut actually..), boleh try minum wonder soup.Wonder soup recipe64oz water6 Large Onion2 green pepper3 whole tomatoes1 cabbage1 bunch celery Boil all ingredients for 45 minutes, add herbs if you like & a dash of salt. enjoy your Wonder soup!!!
Pssstt...anyone want to join me????
5 Loves Me ;-P:
U can do it, yes u can, go for it.
Mesti boleh =)
Prettysnapshot: Ty ty...i really need it :)
Cik Epal: thanks dear!
i've tried last wk but i cn folo til the 3rd day...
wanna try it all over again this monday..i saw the result fm one of the 99HTN contestant after she took the 7 day detox fm Ms Pancae.. gud luck to u.
Good Luck. but hey....thts ur latest photo kah? hey u really slim down u LOST A LOT!!!!!!
hai, kita pun dh buat... ist time buat turun 3kg.. 2nd time buat turun 2kgs... mmg best..
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