First of all, i wud like to say many many thanks to all my bloggers friends for helping me to earned something from NUFFNANG.Even tho the amount its not substantial but its make me more determine to continue blogging. Teeheee
Buffered Earning -Heineken Festive (i know some of u don't dare to click this lol!)
Last Week Traffic...up and down like the rollercoaster "sigh"
Shared with uols how much i earned for the past few weeks.Not much but at least there is something better than nothing right! We shud be thankful to Nuffnang for giving us this kind of opportunity ! I can say that, this is the easier way to earn ur pocket money while blogging...its all depend on u! (^_^)

16 Loves Me ;-P:
hebat. ;)
Fezal: ty :P
Keep on blogging...tak lama lagi sure $$$ makin bertambah ;-)
Eynda: same to u :)
wah. cpt nya nuff earning naik. congrats :)
hi ween ty...P
usha2 haha
congrats =)
wah bnyk la tu...huhuhu tahniah2 keep working
kalau u nak tau iklan hijau tu kat malaysioa dia ban tapi kalau kt singapore baru iklan ada..
JH, iklan hijau tu bukan ke kita setting masa sign nuff ker.. dia ada tanya willing to ad any alcohol adds
Jogger & Jantan terhangat: I pon no idea why they put the ads in my blog...maybe im non muslim kot sebab tulah pasal.But for me shud be no problem coz itu cuma iklan big deal hahahahah...anyway thanks for dropping by.
congratz :)
tahniah babe..aku tulung ko samapi leh tetiap bulan cash out ekkk..go bebeh...
mcm mne ye nk dpt hasil dr nuffnang??
klu xde org nk klik nuffnang ads 2 cmne??
sy bru lg..
xbpe nk fhm sgt.. tlg ajar ye..
cmne nk dpt income dr nuffnang??
xde spe pn nk klik..
mnx tunjuk ajar ye..
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