Thursday, 15 March 2012

GA - March 2012 GA (The Sushi Book)

I'm a Sushi Lover. Oh YES I AM!..lama suda teringin mau buat my homemade Sushi tapi belum kesampaian lagi. Hopefully kalau menang ni GA bikin tambah semangat mau buat Sushi sendiri :)

10 Loves Me ;-P:

Aki said... [Reply to Comment]

gud luck Va Va Voom!! ^_^.v.. nanti ko buat utk saya la, trus ko kirim pigi kl.. :)

kay masingan said... [Reply to Comment]

Good luck kio..:)

Rose Flower said... [Reply to Comment]

Good luck nanti ko sudah buat sushi panggil la sia makan...

Mitchamorchell said... [Reply to Comment]

Good luck flo =)

Jue said... [Reply to Comment]

Good Luck to...Nanti klu ko Win..boleh lah belajar buat sushi kan...hehhhe

Va Va Voom said... [Reply to Comment]

@AkiKalo untuk si Aki boleh saja bah...tapi takut ja basi sebelum sempat ko makan hihihi

Va Va Voom said... [Reply to Comment]

@kay masinganThank u Kay :)

Va Va Voom said... [Reply to Comment]

@Rose FlowerBuli bah kalo ko hahahaha

Va Va Voom said... [Reply to Comment]

@☆彡Mitchell CullenThanks Moi...ko pun gud luck juga ok.

Va Va Voom said... [Reply to Comment]

@JueHarap2 macam tu lah heheheh

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